result count: 4
keystring | fr | eneu |
SC_YU_100917 | Mes précieux trésors... | My... treasures.... |
Sys100917_name | Golo | Golo |
Sys100917_name_plural | Golos | Golos |
Sys100917_shortnote | Golo des [ZONE_DGN_WRETCHED_GROTTO|Grottes arides]. Un monstre qui doit être terrassé pour pouvoir entrer dans le [ZONE_TILEDGN_WINDMILL_BASEMENT|Sous-sol du Moulin]. | A Golo of the [ZONE_DGN_WRETCHED_GROTTO|Barren Caves]. A monster which must be defeated to enter the [ZONE_TILEDGN_WINDMILL_BASEMENT|Windmill Basement]. |