result count: 4
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys101045_name | Kapitan Zabójców Gigantów | Giant Assassin Captain |
Sys101045_name_plural | Kapitanowie Zabójców Gigantów | Giant Assassin Captains |
Sys101045_shortnote | W Armii Czarnorogich, która walczyła z Cyklopami po stronie Hafiza, najlepsi wojownicy odcinali wrogie armie od oddziałów wsparcia i uniemożliwiali im ucieczkę. | In the Blackhorn Army which followed Hafiz in resisting the Cyclopes, the soldiers that were the most skillful at hand-to-hand combat were greatly successful in hindering the enemy's support and cutting off his escape. |
Sys101045_spellstring1 | Wrogowie! | Enemies! |