result count: 4
keystring | fr | eneu |
Sys101268_name | Pangkor | Pangkor |
Sys101268_name_plural | Pangkor | Pangkors |
Sys101268_shortnote | Sans la lueur des torches, les aventuriers seraient incapables de voir s'ils marchent ou non sur le corps de [101268|Pangkor]. Gigantesque Géant de Terre, [101268|Pangkor] se déplace lentement mais inexorablement et la terre tremble à chacun de ses pas. Lent et maladroit, il n'en est pas moins redoutable de par son incroyable puissance destructrice. Apparemment insensible à la plupart des attaques, il est capable d'aplatir ses adversaires d'un simple revers de la main. | If it weren't for torches, adventurers wouldn't be able to check if they were stepping on [101268|Pangkor's] body. [101268|Pangkor] is a gigantic Earth Giant. His movement is sluggish and cumbersome but earth-shaking. Each of his movements shakes the earth violently making it hard for adventurers to walk. His fighting skills are less than magnificent, but his blows are full of destructive power. He can easily turn adventurers wearing heavy armor into "murals." It seems that no attack is any threat to him, but maybe this is due to his unchanging rigid demeanor. |
Sys101268_titlename | Géant de Terre | Earth Giant |