result count: 15

SC_YU_101340_00We are on duty!
SC_YU_101340_01Varanas Guard Alert: Someone is robbing the Varanas Bank. Everyone to the defense!
SC_YU_101340_02|cffff00ffHi everyone! Merry Snowflake Festival!\nThis is a robbery! Guys on the left wall and girls on the right wall! Thank You! |r
SC_YU_101340_03Ahh ... Robbery!!
SC_YU_101340_04Damn... I am surrounded!
SC_YU_101340_05You guys leave me no choice! I will have to use my ultimate skill! Better get out of the way if you don't want to get hurt!
SC_YU_101340_06ULTIMATE ... SKILL ... !! INTO PIECES!!...
SC_YU_101340_07Ah! They are tiny now! Help catch them!
SC_YU_101340_08Oh no... I have been caught...
SC_YU_101340_09With the heroes' help, Varanas Bank has safely avoided a robbery.
SC_YU_101340_10Varanas Bank Guards thank you for your help. This is something for your troubles. Merry Snowflake Festival!
SC_YU_101340_11Hahaha ... So many treasures!
SC_YU_101340_12Bye bye!!
Sys101340_nameGoblin Robber
Sys101340_name_pluralGoblin Robbers