result count: 9
keystring | fr | eneu |
SC_101587_01 | Coupez ! Coupez ! Mais coupez, bon sang ! | Cut!Cut!Cut cut cut! |
SC_101587_02 | Hé, calmez-vous ! Prenez plutôt un glaçon ! | Hey!~Calm down a little bit. Take an ice cube if you want! |
SC_101587_03 | De la viande fraîche ! Vite, il faut la congeler ! | Fresh food! It should be deep-frozen right away! |
SC_101587_04 | Le [112373|Fourneau de Pieds-velus] explose et les flammes vous consument. | The [112373|Hairyfoot's Stove] bursts out into flames, you have been burnt by the flames! |
SC_101587_05 | Les flammes du [112373|Fourneau de Pieds-velus] vous ont infligé de graves brûlures. Ces flammes sont si puissantes qu'elles annulent la protection fournie par la nourriture. | You have been burnt by the flames of the [112373|Hairyfoot's Stove]. This kind of flames can destroy the protection given by food items. |
Sys101587_name | Crasset Pieds-velus | Crasset Hairyfoot |
Sys101587_name_plural | Crasset Pieds-velus | Crasset Hairyfeet |
Sys101587_shortnote | Tablier blanc et long couteau bien affûté, voilà le chef cuistot de la taverne du royaume en ruines. Pour tous ceux qui se posent la question : oui, ses pieds sont vraiment velus ! | Wearing a white apron and wielding a knife at the Kingdom Ruins Bar. That's the ice dwarf chef. He is the vice manager and his family name is "Hairyfoot". Though this doesn't mean that he necessarily has to have hairy feet, facts show that his feet are actual quite hairy. |
Sys101587_titlename | Chef cuistot Nains de Glace | Ice Dwarf Chef |