result count: 9

SC_102347_1Dejad que Taburen... purifique vuestra alma...Let Taburen... purify your soul...
SC_102347_2Veamos qué... habilidades poseéis...Let's look... what abilities you have...
SC_102347_3Recibid la... furia de la Madre Naturaleza...Receive... the anger of the great earth...
SC_102347_4Quemaré el... poder natural que reside en vuestro interior...I will burn... the natural power inside of you...
SC_102347_5Habéis pasado... mis dos pruebas...You... passed my two tests...
SC_102347_6Mortal... Abandonad la Tierra Sagrada...Mortal... Leave the holy land...
Sys102347_titlenameEnt doradoGolden Ent