result count: 30

SC_102969_01Your deaths are only the start of the rebirth!
SC_102969_02No...\nI am immortal! I will be resurrected again!
SC_102969_03[102969|Yashi'a] created a burst of [103051|Poison Fog] on the field!
SC_102969_04Blood! Give me that moist blood! I will never die!
SC_102969_05Thank you my queen, great [102969|Yashi'a]! Forever resurrected!
SC_102969_07What audaciousness! You still don't obediently offer your blood to me!
SC_102969_08Death doesn't represent the end! It is the beginning of all!
SC_102969_09Awaken! My servant!
SC_102969_10You aren't able to use the [114311|Blood Sharp] to complete the [494735|Blood Sacrifice]!
SC_102969_11Death and resurrection! You have already chosen death!
SC_102969_12Intruders! Alert! Alert!
SC_102969_13Our enemies are invading! Alert! Alert!
SC_102969_14Where are they? Hurry up and find them!
SC_102969_15Master [102701|Naos] has been beat! Hurry! Find the invaders!
SC_102969_16Kill them! Kill those invaders!
SC_102969_17Invaders! Did you think you could escape?
SC_102969_18Don't delude yourself about escaping alive! Invaders!
SC_102969_19Rays of rune energy emit from the two stone pillars on either side.
SC_102969_20The magic energy on either side gradually dissipates.
SC_102969_21The mechanisms in the pillars have been activated!
SC_102969_22You gradually embed the rune stone into the stone pillar...
SC_102969_23You try to embed the rune stone into the stone pillar...but it seems that it isn't quite the right shape.
SC_102969_24You carefully touch the stone pillar. It seems that it has an indent where something can be placed...
SC_102969_25Energy suddenly shoots out from the two stone pillars... actually activated them...
SC_102969_27Despicable invaders! No...
SC_102969_28Damn invaders! Don't think you can escape here!