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SC_103120_CON_30100[104757|Ancient Magnork Instrument] awoke the sleeping [<S>104620|Spirits of Magnork]! It also supplies them with energy!
SC_103120_CON_30101Make use of these [<S>104620|Spirits of Magnork]! Don't fight against them!
SC_103120_CON_30200The [104757|Ancient Magnork Instrument] has reached full charge and switched to attack mode!
SC_103120_CON_30300The [104757|Ancient Magnork Instrument] has started to generate different types of force fields!
SC_103120_CON_30301Watch out! These force fields are very unstable.
SC_103120_CON_40100The [104618|Ailic's Researcher] is trying to activate the [104757|Ancient Magnork Instrument] with different methods!
SC_103120_CON_40101It is very difficult, but try to protect them!
SC_103120_CON_40102Great! See what you've done!
SC_103120_CON_40103God! How could you have done this to these precious ruins!
SC_103120_CON_40104Hey! I was here first!
SC_103120_CON_40105Skybird 2! I am under heavy fire! Transport! Transport!
SC_103120_CON_40106Damn! The big guy is going to attack again! Skybird 2! Transport!
SC_103120_CON_40200Some [<S>104618|Ailic's Researchers] have detected [104619|Amboriar's] unusual energy flow!
SC_103120_CON_40201You there! Get into our phase fields before you get blown to bits!
SC_103120_CON_40202[104619|Amboriar] has started to release a vast amount of energy!
SC_103120_CON_40300Hey! We will send something useful to help you! Be careful there!
SC_103120_CON_50000[104619|Amboriar] has stopped his destructive attacks and and generated an [507407|Indestructible Force Field]. It is now immune to your attacks!
SC_103120_CON_50001Stop those Punishers' actions! Any action they may take!
SC_103120_SANC_01Ahhhh!! Get this annoying thing off my head!
SC_103120_SANC_02I got caught! Help!
SC_103120_SANC_03Energy depleted.
SC_103120_SANC_04The [104614|No. 27 Punisher] has locked you down!
SC_103120_SANC_05The [104615|No. 1 Punisher] has commanded the Punishers nearby to attack you!
SC_103120_SANC_06The [104616|No. 48 Punisher] has launched a [496273|Rune Energy Destruction Field] at you!
SC_103120_SANC_07The power that you just received was immediately absorbed away by the [104757|Ancient Magnork Instrument].
SC_103120_SANC_08You have energy!
SC_103120_SANC_09A Message from [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community]...
SC_103120_SANC_10Hey, we've detected some strange curvatures of space around you! Be careful!
SC_103120_SANC_11The [104757|Ancient Magnork Instrument] can adjust these curvatures of space! Find the nearest one quickly!
SC_103120_SANC_12Are you crazy? You'll be dead soon if you carry on like this!

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