result count: 3

Sys103532_nameCucaracha gigante de alcantarillaGiant Sewer Cockroach
Sys103532_name_pluralCucarachas gigantes de alcantarillaGiant Sewer Cockroaches
Sys103532_shortnoteNadie puede mirarlas directamente sin que se le ponga carne de gallina. Si hay algo que recordar es lo siguiente: Come cualquier cosa. Y eso incluye los calcetines rancios de aventureros que no consideran necesario cambiárselos cada pocos meses... Una vez en su boca, no quedará absolutamente nada.Nobody can look directly at it without breaking into goose bumps all over their body. The point that should be kept in mind is this: it will eat absolutely anything. That includes the rancid socks of adventurers who don't believe in putting on a fresh pair every few months... Once dropped into its mouth, not a single trace of you will be left behind.