result count: 10

SC_103941_01In the end you always have to do it yourself... That's fine. It's good exercise.
SC_103941_02Foolish [$VAR1]. You really thought you could challenge me in my domain?
SC_103941_03See that? Feel my strength!
SC_103941_04Resistance is futile!
SC_103941_05Hahahahahaha! That has no effect on me!
SC_103941_06Mi...Mistress Annelia, save me!
SC_103941_07I never imagined His Lordship would take to the field. I will remember you, brave challengers.
SC_103941_08Please welcome Warnorken's revered leader, formerly known as the "Bloodthirsty Baron", Baron Reuen von Jura!
Sys103941_nameBaron Reuen von Jura
Sys103941_name_pluralBaron Reuen von Jura