result count: 12
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_104225_01 | ¡Nadie tiene permitido entrar aquí! | No one is allowed to enter here! |
SC_104225_02 | ¡Profanadores de tumbas, vuestro viaje termina aquí! | Grave robbers, your journey ends here! |
SC_104225_03 | ¡Recibid vuestro castigo! | Accept your punishment! |
SC_104225_04 | ¡La furia abrasadora os reducirá a cenizas! | Fiery wrath shall reduce you to ashes! |
SC_104225_05 | ¿Eso es todo de lo que sois capaz? | Is that all you're capable of? |
SC_104225_06 | Proteged la tumba... proteger... | Protect the tomb... protect... |
SC_104225_07 | Es hora de echaros de aquí. | It's time to drive you out. |
SC_104225_08 | Anubis: Id a detener a esos invasores. | Anubis: Go and stop those invaders. |
SC_104225_09 | Anubis: Intrusos, tendréis que véroslas conmigo. | Anubis: I'm the one you'll be dealing with, trespassers! |
SC_104225_10 | ||
Sys104225_name | Tygistor | Tygistor |
Sys104225_name_plural | Tygistor | Tygistor |