result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys104711_name | Nikczemna Osa | Malevolence Wasp |
Sys104711_name_plural | Nikczemne Osy | Malevolence Wasps |
Sys104711_shortnote | Kiedyś te osy żyły spokojnie w [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Nieprzyjaznej Krainie]. Z jakiegoś powodu stopniowo zaczęły tworzyć roje na [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Równinie Kampel]. | Originally these wasps wandered across the [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Land of Malevolence]. For some unknown reason they gradually gathered in [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Kampel Plains] where they have since built their hives. |