result count: 3
keystring | fr | eneu |
Sys106565_name | Chauve-souris répugnante | Foul Bat |
Sys106565_name_plural | Chauves-souris répugnantes | Foul Bats |
Sys106565_shortnote | "Auparavant, je ne mangeais pas de viande de chauve-souris, mais je garde un souvenir impérissable du ragoût des [SC_RACE_SHADOWCAST|Nain Ombreforge] de Taffrock." - [119636|Lamisa Faidley]. | "I originally didn't eat bat meat, but after tasting the [SC_RACE_SHADOWCAST|Shadowforge Dwarf] Taffrock stew, I'll never forget the flavor of bat meat." - [119636|Lamisa Faidley]. |