result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys106774_name | Vanguardia Kulech | Kulech Vanguard |
Sys106774_name_plural | Vanguardias Kulech | Kulech Vanguards |
Sys106774_shortnote | La primera vez que los vi, pensé que representaban un adversario arriesgado para los auténticos dragones en términos de combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Luchan sin importarles en absoluto su propia vida, lo que provoca que se acerquen en cantidades alarmantes. \n- Informe manchado de sangre de un comandante | The first time I saw them, I thought that they represented a risky match-up for the true dragons in terms of close quarters combat. They fight without the slightest consideration for their own lives, making it possible for them to get close in alarming numbers. - blood-stained report from a commanding officer |