result count: 3

Sys107080_nameMonstruo esférico defensivo de GutaiGutai Defensive Balloon Monster
Sys107080_name_pluralMonstruos esféricos defensivos de GutaiGutai Defensive Balloon Monsters
Sys107080_shortnoteSe trata de un espíritu bonito, a la vez que cobarde. Actúa en la [ZONE_HALIDOM_CAVE|Cueva de Hayliden] creada por las raíces de [SC_GUTAI_01|Árbol Sagrado Gutai]. Porta tesoros inimaginables dentro.It is a cute, cowardly spirit. It acts in the [ZONE_HALIDOM_CAVE|Hayliden Cave] made by the roots of [SC_GUTAI_01|Holy Tree Gutai]. It carries unimaginable treasures inside it.