result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys107107_name | Pogromca nr 74 EX | No. 74 Punisher EX |
Sys107107_name_plural | Pogromcy nr 74 EX | No. 74 Punishers EX |
Sys107107_shortnote | Pogromca wysłany do [ZONE_INCEPTION_PAFORSA|Pahvalosy] w celach obronnych. Wygląda jak typowy [SC_PROTOTYPEPUNISHER|Pogromcy Nr 72 i Nr 74 EX], ale w rzeczywistości posiada moc Żywiołaka Ognia. | A punisher that was deployed to [ZONE_INCEPTION_PAFORSA|Pahvalosa] for defense work. It doesn't look any different from any other [SC_PROTOTYPEPUNISHER|No. 72 EX and No.74 EX Punishers], but, in reality, it has Fire Elemental capabilities imprisoned in it. |