result count: 3
keystring | fr | eneu |
Sys107476_name | Yasheedee frénétique | Frantic Yasheedee |
Sys107476_name_plural | Yasheedees frénétiques | Frantic Yasheedees |
Sys107476_shortnote | L'instabilité de l'influx terrestre les fait se déplacer des [ZONE_MOLTEN_VEINS|Veines fondues] à la [ZONE_ROCKDEN_FOREST|Forêt de Rockden]. Ils se sont appropriés cette endroit puis ont commencé à devenir agressifs. | Because of the unstable earth flow they came from the [ZONE_MOLTEN_VEINS|Molten Veins] to the [ZONE_ROCKDEN_FOREST|Rockden Forest]. They found this place as if purposely created to be their home. But then they started to become aggressive. |