result count: 3

Sys108327_namePrisionero resplandor escarlataCaptive Scarlet Blaze Person
Sys108327_name_pluralPrisioneros resplandor escarlataCaptive Scarlet Blaze People
Sys108327_shortnote"[122443|Mesmilo], te rogamos: ¡ayuda a tus fieles servidores! ¡Líbranos de esas horrendas criaturas! Las armas que nos diste carecen de efecto, pues aquello que los protege es demasiado fuerte." – Plegaria de los [<S>108327|Prisioneros resplandor escarlata]."[122443|Mezzmillo], we pray to thee. Help thy loyal servants and befree us of these wicked creatures! The weapons which thou didst give us, are without use, for the protective sleeve which doth cover them is too strong." – Prayer of the [<S>108327|Captive Scarlet Blaze People].