result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys108501_name | Mantícora salvaje hembra | Wild Manticore Female |
Sys108501_name_plural | Mantícoras salvajes hembras | Wild Manticore Females |
Sys108501_shortnote | A la Mantícora salvaje hembra le gusta meterse en líos y provocar a otras criaturas. Al atacarla aparecerá su [108500|macho] para protegerla. Sí, se trata de una criatura arrogante, ¿pero no es también culpa de su pareja, por actuar de ese modo? | Wild Manticore Females are reckless and foolhardy, and like to provoke other animals anywhere and everywhere. If they find themselves under threat, their [108500|males] appears to protect them. Certainly [108501|they] are arrogant, but isn't it the [108500|male's] fault for mollycoddling them? |