result count: 4

Sys108724_nameHabitante de Puerto BrumaVeiled Mist Harbor Resident
Sys108724_name_pluralHabitantes de Puerto BrumaVeiled Mist Harbor Residents
Sys108724_shortnoteLa sincera opinión de un comerciante del mercado negro que desea permanecer en el anonimato: "Quien haga negocios con los habitantes de [ZONE_VEILED_BLACKTOWN|Puerto Bruma] no obtendrá más que mentiras."The uncensored opinion of a black market trader who wishes to remain anonymous: "Anyone who wants to do business with the inhabitants of [ZONE_VEILED_BLACKTOWN|Veiled Mist Harbor] will find themselves being permanently lied to."
Sys108724_titlenamePirata de Corriente AtrozSplitwater Pirate