result count: 3

Sys108903_nameCaimán de cuchilla del humedalWetland Sword Alligator
Sys108903_name_pluralCaimanes de cuchilla del humedalWetland Sword Alligators
Sys108903_shortnoteAunque, al igual que los [<S>108843|Brotes de Scealok], viven en la zona costera del [ZONE_PUTTY_WETLANDS|Marjal Arcilloso], son muy difíciles de domesticar, por lo que los [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaalik] únicamente los ven como fuente de alimento.Even though they live in the coastal region of the [ZONE_PUTTY_WETLANDS|Chalk Wetlands] just the same as [<S>108843|Scealok Germs], they're very difficult to tame, which is why the [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks] only consider them of use as a foodstuff.