result count: 8
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_108949_01 | Habéis vencido a [108948|Mao], pero eso no quiere decir que podáis hacer lo que os plazca. | You may have defeated [108948|Mao], but that doesn't mean you can now do what you please. |
SC_108949_02 | ¡Zopencos ignorantes! ¿Estáis listos para recibir el castigo que os merecéis? | You ignorant oafs! Are you ready to take your punishment? |
SC_108949_03 | Será que eso es todo... | Is that all there is to it... |
SC_108949_04 | Ni siquiera mi poder es suficiente para someteros. Este mundo... será... destruido... | Not even my power is enough to defeat you. This world will |
SC_108949_05 | Blanco y negro. No podréis vencerme hasta que [106133|Energía del Árbol Sagrado] haya entrado en la oscuridad. ¿Os creéis a la altura, bicharraco de pacotilla? | Black and white. Only once the [106133|Energy of the Holy Tree] has entered the darkness will you be able to defeat me. Do you think you are up to it, you tiresome insects? |
Sys108949_name | Mo | Mo |
Sys108949_name_plural | Mo | Mo |
Sys108949_titlename | Espíritu del árbol sagrado | Spirit of the Holy Tree |