result count: 3

Sys109284_nameCactus floral aturdidoConfused Flower Cactus
Sys109284_name_pluralCactus florales aturdidosConfused Flower Cacti
Sys109284_shortnote[<S>100659|Cactus florales] que fueron transportados junto con su entorno desde el [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Cañón Polvareda del Diablo] a [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq]. Aunque aún están en flor, según los análisis del [WISDOM_EYE|Ojo de la Sabiduría] ya no están tan sanos como antes.[<S>100659|Flower Cacti] which were transported to the island [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq] together with their environment from the [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Dust Devil Canyon]. While they continue to flower, they are no longer as healthy as they once were, according to the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom's] analyses.