result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys109286_name | Escorpión de pinzas gigantes veleidoso | Irascible Giant Pincer Scorpion |
Sys109286_name_plural | Escorpiones de pinzas gigantes veleidosos | Irascible Giant Pincer Scorpions |
Sys109286_shortnote | Puesto que fueron transportados a la fuerza del [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Cañón Polvareda del Diablo] a [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq], estos escorpiones de pinzas gigantes están bastante irritados en su nuevo hábitat, a pesar de que su entorno ha permanecido inalterado. | Transported without reason from their home in the [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Dust Devil Canyon], these Giant Pincer Scorpions are highly irritated by the general conditions on the island of [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq], even though their immediate environment is otherwise unchanged. |