result count: 3

Sys109355_nameBerhu du Haut plateauUpland Berhu
Sys109355_name_pluralBerhus du Haut plateauUpland Berhus
Sys109355_shortnoteCes animaux des [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Hautes Terres d'Ystra] ont atterri sur [ZONE_CLUHISS_ISLAND|Korris] suite au transfert spatial. Ils sont aussi forts qu'avant, et l'[WISDOM_EYE|Œil de la sagesse] pense que cela prouve que la magie spatiale est stable.These creatures from the [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands] landed on [ZONE_CLUHISS_ISLAND|Korris] as a result of the spatial transfer. They're just as strong as before, and the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] believes they are proof of how stable this spatial magic is.