result count: 3

Sys109364_nameBerserker Mroźnego OkaEye of Frost Berserker
Sys109364_name_pluralBerserkerowie Mroźnego OkaEye of Frost Berserkers
Sys109364_shortnoteBerserkowie-cyklopi z [ZONE_EYE_OF_THE_TEMPEST|Mroźnego Oka] mają tak ogromną siłę i tak potężne ciało, że większość ludzi po zadanym ciosie traci jakąś część ciała.With their huge muscular torsos, the cyclops berserkers from the [ZONE_EYE_OF_THE_TEMPEST|Eye of Frost] are so bone-crushingly powerful that most people find themselves short of a limb or two after being hit by one.