result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys109378_name | Herfniak | Herfniak |
Sys109378_shortnote | Wódź minotaurów w [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Lodowatym Bastionie]. Ponieważ przebywa on [ZONE_THE_PEAK|tu] już od dawna i znajduje się w pobliżu złej mocy, to jego mentalne zdolności ucierpiały pod jej wpływem. Jedyne, na czym mu teraz zależy to obrona [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Lodowatego Bastionu] dla swojego ludu. | Captain of the minotaurs in the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress]. Having already spent much time in the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress], located so close to the dark power, his mental abilities have been impaired under its influence. Now he has nothing more in mind than defending the [ZONE_THE_PEAK|Snow Fortress] for his people. |
Sys109378_titlename | Wódz Minotaurów | Minotaur Warlord |