result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys109440_name | Angren degenerado | Decayed Angren |
Sys109440_name_plural | Sys109440_name_plural | Sys109440_name_plural |
Sys109440_shortnote | El pelaje de los Angren degenerados es bastante oscuro, menos brillante y está cubierto de cicatrices provocadas por autolesiones. Por orden del [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables] atacan sin piedad incluso a sus antiguos camaradas. | The fur of the Decayed Angren is relatively dark, less glossy, and characterized by numerous scars caused by self-mutilation. Under orders of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League], they also mercilessly attack their former allies. |