result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys109557_name | Legendarny Drako Kreios | Legendary Crius Draco |
Sys109557_name_plural | Sys109557_name_plural | Sys109557_name_plural |
Sys109557_shortnote | Na początku wierzył, że wyrośnie na wielkiego [SC_ELEMENTDRAGON_NAME|Drako]. Jednak jedynymi częściami jego ciała, które urosły, były głowa i kryształy na plecach. Kiedy to zauważył, na pewien czas ogarnęło go przygnębienie. | As a youngster he always expected to grow into a gigantic [SC_ELEMENTDRAGON_NAME|Draco], but in the end the only parts of his body which grew were his head and the crystals on his back. Once he realized he was destined to remain small, he became rather depressed. |