result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys109629_name | Explorador de los bandidos caninos | Canine Bandit Scout |
Sys109629_name_plural | Sys109629_name_plural | Sys109629_name_plural |
Sys109629_shortnote | Solían pertenecer a la banda de las Dunas Tormentosas y se encargaban de vigilar la zona. Desde que acatan órdenes del [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables], siguen haciendo el vago la mayoría del tiempo, pero sí que atacan cuando ven a algún intruso. | They were once part of the gang in the Storm Dunes and were responsible for keeping watch over the surrounding area. Since they have been under the command of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League], they spend most of their time goofing off - but if they see someone, they still attack. |