result count: 4
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys109693_name | Mag Chassizz | Chassizzene Mage |
Sys109693_name_plural | Sys109693_name_plural | Sys109693_name_plural |
Sys109693_shortnote | Członkowie oddziału [RESTLESS_SONS|Grona Niezniszczalnych] wspierają swoimi silnymi magicznymi umiejętnościami atak na [ZONE_DAWNING_ENCAMPMENT|Obóz Świtu]. | A member of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] troops. They use their powerful magical abilities to support the assault on the [ZONE_DAWNING_ENCAMPMENT|Dawn Encampment]. |
Sys109693_titlename | Grono Niezniszczalnych | Inexorable League |