result count: 5
keystring | fr | eneu |
SC_109998_CREATEAVATAR | [109998|Mayi] s'est séparé en deux clones. | [109998|Mayi] has split into two clones. |
SC_109998_FALSEAVATAR | C'était le mauvais clone. [109998|Mayi] s'est de nouveau séparé en deux clones. | That was the wrong clone. [109998|Mayi] has split into two new clones. |
SC_109998_TRUEAVATAR | Vous avez vaincu le bon clone. [109998|Mayi] se matérialise à nouveau. | You've defeated the real clone. [109998|Mayi] materializes again. |
Sys109998_name | Mayi | Mayi |
Sys109998_name_plural | Mayi | Mayis |