result count: 11

SO_110017_1|cff11ffffI want to learn mining.|r
ST_110017_0I am Olute, the foreman of the miners. If you have any questions about mining, feel free to ask me! Though I might not always have a good answer, haha!
ST_110017_1You want to learn mining! I can certainly teach you some basic techniques, but mining is tough!\n\nFirst, you must find a mineral vein suitable for the level of your skills. Then left-click the vein to start mining.\n\nThat's all I'll teach you right now. What you need is to go find some veins to practice on!
ST_110017_2You seem to have gained sufficient practice! However, you've learned too many other skills, so I have no way to teach you the secrets of a true Craftsman!
ST_110017_3Haha! It looks like you've learned all that I can offer. You should seek out Master [110416|Mayen Digg] to learn more!
ST_110017_4If you want more expertise in mining, go find the legendary mining master! I heard you might be able to find out something about him in the Obsidian Stronghold.
ST_110017_5Great! Your achievements have exceeded even my own!
Sys110017_szquestnpctextWow? You are quite skilled! But you are still an apprentice, right? If you could do one favor for me, I will recommend you for becoming a craftsman!\n\n(|cff007f00Craftsman|r The upper limit of your mining skill will be increased to 40, [SC_CRAFT_COLLECTLEVEL_01|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Craftsman tier|r |cff0000ffgathering skills|r].)
Sys110017_titlenameNovice Mining Instructor