Anzahl Ergebnisse: 5
keystring | de | eneu |
Sys110045_name | Fandy Tell | Fandy Tell |
Sys110045_name_plural | Fandy Tell | Fandy Tell |
Sys110045_shortnote | Junger Forscher vom Auge der Weisheit. Recht fähig, hat aber Schwierigkeiten, mit anderen auszukommen, da es ihm sein direktes Wesen schwer macht, seinen Stolz zu verbergen. | Young researcher from the Eye of Wisdom. Quite capable, but has difficulty getting along with others, since his straightforward nature makes it difficult for him to conceal his pride. |
Sys110045_szquestnpctext | Hat diese seltsame magische Fluktuation wirklich mit der [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Gräberstadt der Spiegel] zu tun? | Is that strange magic fluctuation really related to the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors]? |
Sys110045_titlename | Forscher des Auges der Weisheit | Researcher of the Eye of Wisdom |