result count: 5

Sys110045_nameFandy TellFandy Tell
Sys110045_name_pluralFandy TellFandy Tell
Sys110045_shortnoteCe jeune chercheur de l'Œil de la Sagesse est très compétent, mais sa franchise et sa fierté naturelle font de lui une personne relativement asociale.Young researcher from the Eye of Wisdom. Quite capable, but has difficulty getting along with others, since his straightforward nature makes it difficult for him to conceal his pride.
Sys110045_szquestnpctextCette fluctuation magique a-t-elle un rapport avec la [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Nécropole des Miroirs] ?Is that strange magic fluctuation really related to the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors]?
Sys110045_titlenameEnquêteur de l'Œil de la SagesseResearcher of the Eye of Wisdom