result count: 7

SAY_110052_1¡[110053|Milaya]! Si veis un lobo salvaje deberíais hablar con [110052|Dell]![110053|Milaya]! If you see a Wild Wolf you should speak with [110052|Dell]!
SAY_110052_2¡Ja ja! [110053|Milaya] ha criado a todos los pollitos de la zona.Haha! All the chickens here were bred by [110053|Milaya]!
SAY_110052_3Tened cuidado, debéis andaros con pies de plomo.Be careful. Watch your step!
Sys110052_shortnoteAmable y honrado. Cuida de Milaya como si se tratara de su propia hermana.Kind and upright. Takes care of Milaya as though she were his own sister.
Sys110052_szquestnpctextEl trabajo a realizar en el granero es aburrido y repetitivo, pero [110053|Milaya] ayuda mucho, lo cual es de bastante alivio.The work in the grain warehouse is repetitive and boring, but [110053|Milaya] helps a lot, which certainly makes things a little.