result count: 6

SO_110099_1I've heard this story since I was a child. Where is this priceless place?
SO_110099_2How can I prove my bravery?
ST_110099_0Fine, I will tell you the story.\nThe most famous person in the vast Ainoi Ocean was the great adventurer Darn Witte. His renowned adventures began when he was just eleven years old, and he is known to have found numerous treasures in his 30 years at sea. Yet he suddenly disappeared at the age of forty. No one ever discovered what happened to him, but most only care about where his treasures are hidden.
ST_110099_1Location of the wonderful place: No one knows where the treasures of Darn Witte are hidden, yet I have found some clues. But I must first test whether you have the courage it will take to investigate these secrets.
ST_110099_2If you can enter the [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard] to bring some items back, I will share the clues I have found with you. But the graveyard is a very dangerous place, so think carefully about if you truly want this. If you want to try it, come tell me.