result count: 13

SO_110167_1Introduction to class change
SO_110167_2Introduction to crafting skills
SO_110167_3Things you need to be aware of after changing classes!
SO_110167_4How can I return to a low level region for training?
ST_110167_1After all of your practicing and testing, you must have learned something about the different classes.\n\nYou will meet many more dangers in the future. Of course, you can choose to continue learning within your current class, or you can try to learn a new one. If you choose two classes that are well-matched, you might find yourself more powerful than ever.\n\nAnyway, if you want to learn the skills of another class, you must meet the requirements of the class instructor. There are six class instructors here: Knight, Warrior, Rogue, Scout, Mage and Priest.\n\nIf you are interested in a certain class, go to talk with the instructor!\n\nIf you want to change your current class, go to your house and talk to your housekeeper!
ST_110167_2For adventurers like us, most of the time we are only purchasers of weapons, armor and supplies. But we can also be great manufacturers.\n\nThrough learning crafting skills, we can make weapons, armors and supplies ourselves. Or you can gather materials for creating items.\n\nIn the items that we manufacture, sometimes there are items with rune slots. In these slots you can place a Rune to give it the quality of that Rune.\n\nIn the [ZONE_VARANAS EAST WING|Lower City East] and [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West] of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] there are various trainers in crafting skills willing to pass on their knowledge to you. I suggest you go their and try the various crafting skills. When you find one that you like most, you can take your study further.
ST_110167_3After obtaining a new class, it will become your secondary class. But your secondary class will not raise automatically. To improve a certain class you need to switch your classes to make it your primary class. \n\nTo switch your classes you need to go to your housekeeper, where you can get further details. After a class switch, don't forget to inspect your equipment. If you die because of your carelessness you will become the laughing stock of your fellow adventurers.
ST_110167_4Low level region? I rarely hear this expression, but don't you mean a place, where you can train your insufficient class skills?\n\nThere are places like [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar], that our fellowship believe are perfect as training locations. And to make it even more convenient for you, our fellowship has developed some spells similar to the Recall spell. They can be used to return to specific regions. \n\nThe trainers should have already taught you these spells. But sometimes they are careless or you didn' find the time to learn the newest spells. Then you should visit me and I will teach you those spells.
Sys110167_shortnoteHead of the Adventurers' Association.
Sys110167_szquestnpctextWelcome back. How may I assist you?
Sys110167_titlenameLeader of Adventurers' Association