result count: 7

SO_110195_0Leave dialogue
SO_110195_1Try to open the treasure chest
ST_110195_1You open the lock and see strange equipment in the box.\nThere's a mark on the equipment, the same as on the ring of the Eye of Wisdom. This equipment might belong to the Eye of Wisdom!\nYou should bring it to Musa, as it might be of some use to this case.
ST_110195_2You cannot damage the lock with magic. If you attempt to smash open the box, the things inside may be damaged. It seems that we must find the key.\nMaybe one of the nearby Zurhidon disciples have it!
Sys110195_nameStrange Treasure Chest
Sys110195_name_pluralStrange Treasure Chest
Sys110195_szquestnpctextThis chest gives you a peculiar feeling.