result count: 14

SAY_110247_0That's enough. Go back and rest.
SAY_110247_1You don't sound like those invaders... You must be the humans the shaman told us!
SAY_110247_2The shaman doesn't want us to obstruct your mission and I hope that you don't obstruct our war.
SAY_110247_3But if you are interested in the war, then I have some interesting work here.
SAY_110247_5Are you ready?
SAY_110247_6Quiet! Kalif, you'd best have this sword sharpened before I count to three. We want to set out.
SAY_110247_7Run like hell! Minotaurs! The last one will have to eat grass for dinner!
SAY_110247_8Despicable brat!
SAY_110247_9No...I...I couldn't hold on...
Sys110247_shortnoteCaptain of the Minotaurs that guard the [ZONE_MYSTIC ALTAR|Mystic Altar]. A warrior trusted by both his subordinates and superiors.
Sys110247_szquestnpctextI want you to help. I also don't want you to obstruct us.