result count: 6

ST_110307_0You want to know something about us Rogues? You should already have some idea, right?\n\nI know that many people hope for a world full of brightness and happiness, but there is much darkness in the real world. The things which cannot be done by those in the light shall be done by us, those who live in the darkness.\n\nAs we often must carry out our tasks in secret, all of our skills focus on stealth, speed and ferocity. We shun the armor of others, for their heavy chains, plates and lengthy robes would hinder us, preventing us from using all of our skills. However dangerous this lack of armor may be, our opponents still fear us, as our strikes are quick, vengeful and accurate. It's more suitable for us to wield daggers or hidden weapons rather than big weapons or bows, for they are all we need.\n\nWe are called bloodthirsty creatures, but as I said, we are a necessary evil. We try to avoid fighting whenever possible. Others believe we are bloodthirsty after seeing our cruel skills in combat. They misunderstand the destiny of the people who walk in the darkness.
Sys110307_shortnoteSenior rogue; provides rogues with trial quests
Sys110307_szquestnpctext...I'm Elson, a rogue. I don't like talkin' with people much. Unless ya come to learn a bit about roguery and the like. For this, I can make a 'ception.
Sys110307_titlenameRogue Instructor