result count: 10

SAY_110349_0...The collected energy was discovered by the Demons. We have to protect the flame!
SAY_110349_1The energy is starting to take form. Just a little longer!
SAY_110349_2The flame has been extinguished. We lost.
SAY_110349_3Heroes, take my strength! The time has come!
SAY_110349_4Thank you, brave heroes. The energy has taken form. I can finally awaken from my slumber.
SAY_110349_5I will use my strength to cover her, the rest I leave to you.
Sys110349_nameAywa Workenny
Sys110349_szquestnpctext[SC_BLACK_NPC_TACK_01|Adventurer, I'm seeking a few old things that are commonly referred to as "ancient mementos." If you were to find some and turn them over to Black Codex staff, then perhaps you would be in line for a generous reward.]
Sys110349_titlenameBlack Codex