result count: 9

SD_110378_1The weather today is perfect for blacksmithing!\nDo you want to study blacksmithing?\nThat should make the sweat roll!
SD_110378_2Blacksmithing is great for the body and the mind. Just don't forget me when it makes you rich! Ha.. So, are you ready to learn blacksmithing?
SD_110378_3You can blacksmith now!\n\nI've already taught you how to create two types of items. But if you want to learn more from me, you're going to have to pay now.
SO_110378_1Please teach me blacksmithing.
SO_110378_2I'm ready!
SO_110378_3So, I won't study!
SO_110378_4Let me think it over again.
SO_110378_5Thank you! See you!
SO_110378_6I could do that long ago.