result count: 11
keystring | eneu |
ST_110391_0 | How do you do? I am Rachel of the Taylor family. I'm responsible for managing the tailoring organization in the city. |
ST_110391_1 | How do you do? Did you come to learn tailoring? Oh, I'm sorry, but I notice that you have already become an expert in three other crafting skills. |
ST_110391_2 | You want to learn tailoring? It seems you are quite interested in it, but you must be patient. My son Sam teaches the basics; you can go to him to learn the fundamental skills necessary. Once you've learned all you can from him, then perhaps I can help you to develop your skills further. |
ST_110391_3 | Congratulations! You have already become very skilled! I am sorry that I can be of no further help to you. But I've heard there is a legendary tailoring master, who could certainly help you. Unfortunately, all I know about him is that some people in Obsidian Stronghold might know about him. |
ST_110391_4 | How do you do? Do you come to me to seek new knowledge in the tailoring arts? I'm very happy to share knowledge with tailoring masters such as yourself. |
ST_110391_5 | It is a pleasure to see you. What can I do for you? |
Sys110391_name | Rachel Taylor |
Sys110391_name_plural | Rachel Taylor |
Sys110391_shortnote | Head of the Taylor family; responsible for managing the Tailor's Organization in Varanas. |
Sys110391_szquestnpctext | Hi there, I'm Rachel Taylor. I'm responsible for the management of the Tailoring Craftsman Organization in this city, as well as teaching the Taylor family skills to those who want to be expert tailors.\n\n(|cff007f00 Expert|r The upper limit of your tailoring skill will be increased to 60, [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_02|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Expert tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].) |
Sys110391_titlename | Expert Tailoring Instructor |