result count: 10

ST_110411_0Have you smelled the aroma of this dish? But you haven't seen it yet, right? Of course not, since I haven't cooked it yet! A true cook can smell and taste his dish before he even lights the cooking fire.
ST_110411_1Do you still have a passion for cooking? Do you wish to learn to cook even more delicious foods? Do you want to become an expert? If you truly seek expert cooking skills, you should be willing to give up your pursuit of other crafting skills. You can only keep three expert crafting skills. If cooking is not one of the skills you truly desire, then go away! Of course, you can come back at any time if you decide you want to take the culinary path again.
ST_110411_2Mmmmm... Delicious! Did the aroma of my delicious meal lure you here? Do you want to be able to make such food? Then you should go learn from Marlyn! I will only reveal my gourmet secrets to those who have mastered the basics!
ST_110411_3A true cook should travel the lands! My responsibilities force me to stay here, but my friend is seeking delicious foods I don't even know how to make! If you want to delve deeper into the culinary arts, go and find him! He is called a master chef. The last I heard was that he was staying in Obsidian Stronghold for some time. You should be able to find something about him there.
ST_110411_4I see you have also experienced the wonderful world of food! But you have yet to reach the top. Cooking is a never-ending adventure! Never lose the will to continue the journey!
ST_110411_5How does it feel to reach the peak? I've never seen the view from up there. Can you tell me, is there any greater sight for the soul of a chef to behold? Is there any greater pursuit?
Sys110411_nameCartisse Cooker
Sys110411_name_pluralCartisse Cooker
Sys110411_szquestnpctextI am Cartisse Cooker, an expert cooking instructor.\n\nOnce I got a whiff of you, I just knew you enjoyed cooking! You want to learn more some new skills from me, right?\n\n(|cff007f00 Expert| The upper limit of your cooking skill will be increased to 60. [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_02|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Expert tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].)
Sys110411_titlenameExpert Cooking Instructor