result count: 11

ST_110414_0Expert Herbalist Instructor [110414|Hyber Digg], at your service. I can train you to become a most outstanding herbalist.
ST_110414_1No! No! Your herb collecting has reached bottleneck. Although I could guide you, it would be useless no matter how proficient I am, since apparently you want to be a expert at three other crafting skills.
ST_110414_2You are quite dedicated! But I can't teach you like this, and you can't learn like this either. Everything starts from a beginning. You must master the basics, and I only teach more advanced topics. If you are interested, my student Nata is patient enough to teach you the basics.
ST_110414_3You are an excellent student! I even look forward to teaching you all of my knowledge. But I don't know whether you are truly willing? Well... of course it is useless if only you are willing; you must also have an instructor willing to teach you. Do you know of the master herbalist? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't. After all, even I haven't heard of him for a long time. However, I think someone in Obsidian Stronghold would know where he is. Perhaps you should go look for him there.
ST_110414_4That's it! That's it! Once you've reached this level, you should definitely continue your learning! Come! Let's talk about the herbs!
ST_110414_5I am proud to be your teacher! Your skills have even surpassed mine! I am truly happy. Every time someone mentions your name, I become elated.
Sys110414_nameHyber Digg
Sys110414_name_pluralHyber Digg
Sys110414_shortnoteThe sister in the so-called "Digg Siblings;" responsible for the expert training of gathering herbal medicines.
Sys110414_szquestnpctextWhat you have learned from Nata should be enough. But if you do want to learn more, come to me! The name's [110414|Hyber Digg], expert herbalist instructor. I can train you to be the best herbalist you can be.\n\n(|cff007f00 Expert|r The upper limit of your herb gathering skill will be increased to 60, [SC_CRAFT_COLLECTLEVEL_02|You can have maximal |cffff00001|r |cff007f00Expert tier|r |cff0000ffgathering skill|r].)
Sys110414_titlenameExpert Herbalist Instructor