result count: 11

SC_110470_0(singing) I'm a lumberjack and that's just great! Yo ho ho! Yo ho ho!\n\n(singing) I work all day and I love my fate! Yo ho ho! Yo ho ho!
SD_110470_0I assume you have come back to learn my wonderful singing techniques? Ha ha ha... Eh? Oh, you want to learn woodcutting? Well, in that case, you should go to Varanas to find an instructor. All the crafting masters can be found in the eastern zone of the lower city.
SD_110470_1You want to learn lumberjacking? Do you want to learn singing too? Singing is my real expertise!\n\nWhat? You just want to learn lumberjacking?\n\nOh, alright... Well, lumberjacking is definitely a great skill to learn! The wood you get from lumberjacking, once crafted, can be used to make weapons, armor and other equipment. \n\nJust click on any suitable trees you find to harvest them for lumber!\n\nYou should head out and try it now. When we lumberjacks say go, it's time to go! Hehe....
SD_110470_2Other crafting skills? Uncle Hansen teaches mining at the roadside by the new mine west of the Pioneers Colony. Alice in the Pioneers Colony itself can show you how to collect herbs. There are also several people teaching production skills in Logar. Otherwise, instructors for all the crafting skills can be found in Varanas.
SD_110470_3Well, it looks like you're skilled enough to learn from a true master craftsmen! I would suggest asking about them at the Obsidian Stronghold.
SD_110470_4Oh great woodsman! Let me sing a song for you...
SO_110470_1|cff11ffffI want to learn woodcutting.|r
Sys110470_nameWoody Woods
Sys110470_name_pluralWoody Woods
Sys110470_szquestnpctext(singing) I'm a lumberjack and that's just great..\n\n(singing) I work all day and I love my fate..\n\nHow do you like my song? \n\nFilling your lungs with song when cutting wood gives you more strength, not to mention it helps to pass the time.
Sys110470_titlenameWoodcutting Instructor