result count: 11

SC_110497_0The way to maintain a strong, healthy body is to work, work, work, every day under the sun!
SC_110497_1You want to get those weapons? The mayor asked me to enhance these weapons for him. But I'm not going to argue if he wants to give them to you!\n\nBut, don't you want even better weapons?\n\nIf you have some diamonds on you, just give me one and I will enhance your weapon by two levels. How's that? I'll give you a special price!
SC_110497_2The weapon is okay like this.
SC_110497_3I want to enhance my weapon.
SC_110497_4Are you sure you want to pay one diamond?
SC_110497_5You do not have the necessary items.
SC_110497_AReceive custom-made weapon
Sys110497_szquestnpctextHow exhausting... My list of equipment to repair is endless! When will I ever have time to carry out my research? I should be a researcher instead of doing this drudgery...