result count: 11

SC_110539_1It looks like Morrison was murdered by that guy. What will we do now?
SC_110539_2What are we going to do? We're going to report back that we don't have to worry about Morrison's big mouth anymore! And then we're going to find a tavern to have a drink!
SC_110539_3Shouldn't we do something about the murderer?
SC_110539_4Nothing good will come of it. Let's just leave him.
SO_110539_1You are [100081|Morrison]. Give me the recipe!
ST_110539_1Hand over the recipe? Impossible!
Sys110539_szquestnpctextHee hee hee... This way, I can take it all for myself...\n\nHey! Are you eavesdropping on me!?
Sys110539_titlenameOwner of Maidge's Farm