result count: 12
keystring | eneu |
SC_110815_MASTER_HINT | You should be able to go far. You need to find a Master Woodcutter. In fact, I know someone. His name is [115961|Igor Woods].\n\nHowever, I hear that he lives in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], and it isn't easy to get there. The Order of the Dark Glory has had much business there recently. Perhaps through them you can find a chance to get there. |
SO_110815_1 | |cff11ffffI want to study Wood Cutting.|r |
ST_110815_0 | Me? I am a novice woodcutting instructor. That means I can teach people how to cut wood! It's very easy to understand! |
ST_110815_1 | Huh? You want to study Woodcutting? We'll be colleagues then! You can give me lots of advices! First I have to teach you how to use an axe though.\n\nYou first need to find a tree you can cut. Click on the tree with the left mouse button to proceed.\n\nIt's so simple, right! But progressing is all about how much effort you put in! |
ST_110815_2 | That's a pity! If you had only left some space for woodcutting, I could have taught you to become a real Craftsman Woodcutter! |
ST_110815_3 | Oh, your skill level is pretty high. Why don't you go to Varanas City? If you find [110415|Lubert Cudder] who is an expert instructor, then he'll be able to teach you the next level! |
ST_110815_4 | You should be able to go far. You need to find a Master Woodcutter... I do know someone! But I can't tell you now. Perhaps if you wait a while, I'll be able to tell you. |
ST_110815_5 | Haha! I heard that there was a Master Woodcutter, and all along it was you! Congratulations! |
Sys110815_name | Josie Akesh |
Sys110815_name_plural | Josie Akesh |
Sys110815_szquestnpctext | You're still a woodcutter apprentice? Would you like to try and raise your lumberjacking skill to the craftsman tier?\n\n(|cff007f00Craftsman|r The upper limit of your woodcutting skill will be increased to 40, [SC_CRAFT_COLLECTLEVEL_01|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Craftsman tier|r |cff0000ffgathering skills|r].) |
Sys110815_titlename | Novice Woodcutting Instructor |